Yet another self-labeling system (do you remember -L18?)

Tim May tcmay at
Wed Jul 30 12:50:49 PDT 1997

At 12:25 PM -0700 7/30/97, James Love wrote:
>Paul Bradley wrote:
>> > Pissing, Fisting and beastiality! We go to great lengths to bring you
>> > the Good Old Fashioned ALL AMERICAN Pornography, Just Like Dad Used To
>> > Watch! Unfortunately, We can't bring you everything!
>> > 55%     (Size 4.3K)
>> >
>> > Absolutely the RAUNCHIEST NASTIEST Barely Legal Anal Bitches ANYWHERE!!
>> > The ultimate in anal, double anal, double penetration, sloppy oral, and
>> > gangbang action!!! 100% GUARANTEED free xrated pics Action!
>> >
>> > 55%     (Size 4.5K)
>> We can clearly come to no agreement here as I cannot see any material
>> listed above which would be harmful in any way to a viewer, child or
>> not.
>   Paul. Do you *have* any children?  Jamie

The discussion is shifting, predictably, from the so-called "voluntary"
labeling standards to the real issue of what will be banned, mandatorily
rated as "adult" material, etc.

Regardless of who here has any children, and regardless of whether one
thinks bestiality, etc. is appropriate for one's own children, or the
children of others, and so on, the Real Issue is this:

How will a completely voluntary ratings system, and one which then of
necessity allows folks to apply their own notions of appropriateness,
protect children?

A truly voluntary system, with the ability to either not rate something or
to in fact label as one wishes, will not solve the problem James Love
apparently wants to solve.

The abuse a mandatory ratings system would do to the basic liberties of us
all is vastly too high a price to pay just to relieve parents of the
responsibility of monitoring what their children are doing and seeing.

--Tim May

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Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
tcmay at  408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
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