Online Casino Ripoffs / Re: 7-29_b8_EXTRA_Internet.html

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Wed Jul 30 00:39:22 PDT 1997

Apache wrote:
> >    "Bringing gaming directly into people's homes, as we are beginning to
> >    see through the Internet, is so full of potential problems and so far
> >    beyond the ability of any state to regulate that despite whatever
> >    business potential it may have it needs to be prohibited on a national
> >    level," Bryan said.
> Translation: We can't figure out how to tax these pricks so we'll just
> ban it because it represents a perceived threat to our own rigged and
> heavily taxed government sponsored tax collection casino cells.

  Youngsters on the list might not remember how private individuals
involved in gambling used to be denigrated by the government as "the
scum of the earth"--as "criminals" and "mobsters" and "evil."
  Now that the government has hijacked the gambling industry, only
those not paying the government their share of the "vigorish" are
scum-sucking criminals.

  I checked out the Men/Boy Love sites from one of the list threads
and realized that what these "filthy, scum-sucking perverts" need in
order to become acceptable members of society is to find a way to
let the government in on the potential revenue of child pornography.
  Then we will be faced with legislation promoted by these same
politicians which is aimed at making certain that Joe Public is
not ripped off by private individuals who are selling pictures of
"clothed" children. The government will pass regulations ensuring
that child-porn sites have government approved "voluntary (at
gunpoint)" ratings which ensure that Joe Public can count the hairs
on little Johnny's pre-pubescent balls when he downloads the graphics
files that have off(ici)al government approval.

  If we let the Mob run the country, they could probably balance the
national budget with the money saved from no longer needing elections
in order to keep up the pretext of democracy.

> The article quoted starts off with how concerned the gubmint is about the
> possibility of consumer fraud wrt on-line casinos and shows how they
> propose to protect the consumer: 12 months in prison AND a $5000 fine.
> Consumer fraudsters should take note, they have a competitor in the ring!

  This is outrageous!
  If the government was _really_ concerned with protecting us, then they
would put us in jail for life! Or give us the death penalty!
  12 months in prison AND a $5000 fine?
  Sounds to me like these fuckers are "soft on crime." Write your 
legislative representatives and complain. Demand that they institute
the death penalty for all crimes, including jaywalking, tearing the
tags off of mattresses, and "thinking about possibly contemplating
an action which may constitute a crime at some point in the future."

 Truth C. Monger  {Tim C. May's evil-Congressional-twin}
"There's something wrong when citizens don't receive the
   death penalty under an increasing number of laws."

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