Jim Bell Docket 3

Lynne L. Harrison lharrison at mhv.net
Thu Jul 24 11:00:33 PDT 1997

At 08:55 AM 7/23/97 -0400, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>Has anyone contacted Jim's lawer about the recent IRS SPAM?
>Seems to me that the IRS leaking the Plea Agreement would be at least
>contempt of court.

With certain exceptions, court proceedings are open to the public which is
why one is able to read articles in newspapers about certain cases.

The only way that the IRS' leaking the Plea Agreement by sending email to
individuals would constitute contempt of court is if there was a gag order.


Lynne L. Harrison, Esq.     | "I love deadlines.  I love the whooshing    
Poughkeepsie, New York      |  sound they make as they fly by."  
http://www.dueprocess.com   |              - Douglas Adams

DISCLAIMER:  I am not your attorney; you are not my client.
             Accordingly, the above is *NOT* legal advice.

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