Brit Fascists To Track Motorists

Name Withheld by Request nobody at
Wed Jul 23 11:38:21 PDT 1997

  Well, I see on the news that the British Government are installing cameras
with OCR capabilities throughout London so that they can track all the
cars which pass by. Of course this is only to track 'terrorists and car
thieves', not ordinary law-abiding citizens, no, no, no, not at all, guvnor,
so that's all right. And don't worry about all those reports that the British
Police Force is full of corrupt officers who the superiors can't fire.
  I wonder why no-one in the media has pointed out that terrorists and car
thieves, being, after all, criminals, will have no qualms about strapping
on false plates. Oh, but I guess it will catch 'stupid' terrorists and
criminals, so that's all right after all.

  Odd that this was announced the same day as other annoucements of the 
British Government joining an EU-wide system to track millions of European
subversives (including, apparently, those who have been to rock concerts?). I 
bet it's just one of them coincidences...


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