Censorware Summit Take II, from The Netly News

Kent Crispin kent at songbird.com
Fri Jul 18 18:46:48 PDT 1997

On Fri, Jul 18, 1997 at 02:48:15PM -0700, Alan wrote:
> Get the new version of Lynx. (2.7?)  It does a better job of handling
> frames.

You should get it anyway, because of serious security related bug:

                    Computer Incident Advisory Capability
                           ___  __ __    _     ___
                          /       |     /_\   /
                          \___  __|__  /   \  \___
                             INFORMATION BULLETIN
               Lynx Temporary Files & LYDownload.c Vulnerabilities
July 16, 1997 16:00 GMT                                            
Number H-82
PROBLEM:       Two vulnerabilities exist for Lynx: 1) temporary 
files, and
               2) LYDownload.c.
PLATFORM:      All Unix or Unix-like systems running Lynx up to and including
               version 2.7.1
DAMAGE:        1) May allow local users to gain root privileges.
               2) This vulnerability may be exploited by anyone who 
can provide
                  Lynx a carefully crafted URL.
SOLUTION:      Apply patches or workarounds listed below.


Kent Crispin				"No reason to get excited",
kent at songbird.com			the thief he kindly spoke...
PGP fingerprint:   B1 8B 72 ED 55 21 5E 44  61 F4 58 0F 72 10 65 55

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