Twilight Zone Re: Freeh's Testimony (FBI Seeks Domestic GAK)

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Mon Jul 14 23:54:41 PDT 1997

>>   Sometimes I feel like the guy on the plane in the "Twilight Zone"
>> movie, who is the only one who can see the monster on the plane's
>> wing that is endangering everyone's life. 
>Small question: I seem to remember this film, is it the small green 
>monster which keeps dancing and fucking with the planes engines?

You've been caught by advancing technology.  In the movie version,
the monster was green and scary-looking.  In the original TV episode,
with William Shatner as the armed passenger on the plane,
the monster looked like a man in a cheap white gorilla suit :-)

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at
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