Acclivity - A global web of change management

Blanc blancw at
Thu Jul 10 22:59:58 PDT 1997

At , Marc Fourny wrote:

>7 finally, we train the change team to innovate, install and implement new
structures and systems. In addition we develop a new project management
capability which is particularly key to success when radical change is
>I would welcome the opportunity therefore of discussing with you your own
tranformation programme to see how we might be able to add value to your
own resources.

Well, we could use some help with the Revolution.    We need a crack team
of precision go-getters who will lead the way towards the new
anarcho-capitalist utopia, overcoming all the obvious & sundry obstacles in
the way, particularly over by D.C. way.

Or, how about another way to have an alternative internet which develops
the way it originally grew and became so popular, before commercial
organizations and spamming gold-diggers noticed it and got this idea that
they could syphon advantages from it if only they could just control it,
shaping it in their image, turning it in their direction.

That would do it, for me.



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