Fwd:[Yet another -onics..] [NOISE][POTENTIAL HUMOR]

Bill Stewart stewarts at ix.netcom.com
Fri Jan 31 23:55:41 PST 1997

We have to stop this tragic corruption of the English language,
to protect our childen's delicate ears and aesthetic sensibilities.
Why, a mere few months ago, I encountered a child of no more than 10
singing along to 
	"You Can Build A Mainframe From The Things You Find At Home" -
corrupted by the adults in his environment into praising equipment that
should never have been built by mankind and should be allowed to lie still,
undiscovered for the rest of history.  And this poor child knew all the words.
Shocking.  Our public schools have clearly failed to educate him correctly.

>> *****************************
>> by John Woestendiek
>> Philadelphia Inquirer
>> Wed., January 8, 1997
>> *****************************
>> Controversial and widely misunderstood, the Geekonics movement was
>> spawned in California's Silicon Valley, where many children have grown
>> up in households headed by computer technicians, programmers, engineers
>> and scientists who have lost ability to speak plain English and have
>> inadvertently passed on their high-tech vernacular to their children.

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at ix.netcom.com
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