David E. Smith / Known Flamer

Dale Thorn dthorn at gte.net
Fri Jan 31 22:42:09 PST 1997

Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> Dale Thorn wrote:
> > The List Lord made it clear "In The Beginning" that some posts would
> > probably be irretrievably lost due to unavoidable "mistakes".
> > Think "FBI Crime Lab".  You get the picture.

> Remember, Dale, posts really do get lost due to unavoidable mistakes.
> Shit happens, and it certainly happens with all moderators whom I know.

I was *not* speaking of posts headed for the "moderated" list, I was
speaking of posts headed for the un-"moderated" list that would get
lost due to "mistakes".

Now I can understand how a censor could flub something going to a
moderated list, but why the un-moderated list?

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