Fighting the cybercensor

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at
Wed Jan 29 20:12:00 PST 1997

ichudov at (Igor Chudov @ home) writes:

> Hallam-Baker wrote:
> >
> >
> > I think that with the demise of Mr Bell and anyone running
> > a remailer there would be an end to his scheme pretty quickly.
> >
> > Society is not bound to put up with cranks and psychopaths.

And of course society needs leaders to determine exactly who the cranks and
the psychopaths are!

> > there is no right to anonymously call for murder. The authorities
> > could easily stop Bells scheme.
> >
> > The point I was making is that it is not consistent as claimed.
> >
> Why, death of Jim Bell from his own murder machine is a very exciting, I
> would say a very Kafkian thing to happen. I am looking forward to it. I
> even think that Jim Bell would not oppose such an outcome that much,
> since his assination bot would be such an important invention for the
> humanity. Maybe it will reverse the course of world history!

Igor, you keep misspelling "assassination" as in "talk.politics.assassination",
an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup carried by all honorable Usenet providers.

The word "assassin" actually comes from "hashish". In 1090's Ismaelites (a
Shi'ite sect) organized a terror group based in the castle of Alamut, north
of Kazwin in today's north Iran. They got funds from Iranian landowners.
Their sheikh (aka the old man of the mountain) sent suicidal fedain to kill
(assassinate) Seljuk officials and their Iranian merchant supporters.
Traditionally they got high on hashish when going on an assignment. In the
early 1100's assassins became active in Syria and Lebanon, where they
assassinated prominent Crusaders and local anti-Shi'ite landowners.

In 1256 Mongols led by Hulagu took Alamut and killed the assassins;
and in 1272 Egyptians killed off the Lebanese assassins. The Ismaelites
are still around (led by sheikh Aga Khan, a very rich guy).


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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