Fighting the cybercensor. (fwd)

drose at drose at
Tue Jan 28 20:12:43 PST 1997

"Phill" wrote:

>I am a cyber-revolutionary and the world has bought into
>the chaos of our revolution. I never intended the Web to be a tool
>for confirming the present social order which is manifestly 

I am woman, hear me roar
in numbers too big to ignore

As R. J. Wagner once said, "Koo koo, baby."

Hey, I hope that the above is construed as neither a flame nor as "off topic".

May I additionally congratulate Nurdane on her birthday?

Yo "Phill"! When's your cyber-revolutionary birthday? Maybe we can all chip
in to buy you a biscuit. (See, in England, they say, "That certainly takes
the biscuit". Eh, "Phill"?) BTW, "Phill", did you want to make good on your
bet to Sandy at this time?

Ain't C-punks fun nowadays?

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