Child Porn

Vipul Ved Prakash vipul at
Tue Jan 28 15:17:10 PST 1997

*** NY student charged with sending child sex photos over Internet

Nathaniel Levy, a psychology major at New York State University, was
charged Wednesday with using the Internet to transmit photos of
infants having sex with adults, the New York state attorney general
said. Levy, who wanted to be a kindergarten teacher, was arrested for
promoting sexual performance of a child. If convicted he could receive
seven years in prison. Levy, whose computer name was "NateTSnake," was
released Wednesday on $20,000 bail. He allegedly transmitted 35
sexually explicit photos of children, some as young as 18 months. For
the full text story, see 

Vipul Ved Prakash                 | - Electronic Security & Crypto 
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