Jim Choate Speaks Out on My Part of the Net (fwd)

Jim Choate ravage at ssz.com
Sun Jan 26 20:05:23 PST 1997

Forwarded message:

> Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997 20:07:57 -0800
> From: Toto <toto at sk.sympatico.ca>
> Subject: Jim Choate Speaks Out on My Part of the Net
> Jim Choate wrote:

> > If you really and truly believe that the net belongs to everyone and nobody
> > has a right to limit or otherwise control the hardware and software along
> > with the associated comm links they own and pay for then you obviously don't
> > understand what is going on.

> > For instance, since Toto pays for the hardware and software that comprises
> > his part of the net, he is free to limit, control, and edit for content,
> > anything that passes through his part of the net.
> > Although I sometimes disagree with Toto because of my limited ability to
> > understand things on a conceptual level, his rugged good looks, charm,
> > and superior intelligence show that he should be allowed to control his
> > own privately owned part of the net and anything that passes through it.
> >                                                  Jim Choate
> >                                                  CyberTects
> >                                                  ravage at ssz.com
> Jim,
>  Thank you for your support in my efforts to exert supreme control over
> the part of the net that I have paid for.
>  I am sure that you will continue to fight for the right of myself and
> the government of Singapore to use that control for whatever purpose
> they choose.
>  As you can see above, I have enhanced your posting so that it more
> closely conforms to the beliefs that my paid-for part of the net was
> set up to espouse.

Are you aware that attributing statements in print to a party when that
party did not write them is a crime?

                                                 Jim Choate
                                                 ravage at ssz.com

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