Voting to require Photo ID in Michigan

Lou Poppler lwp at
Sat Jan 25 15:40:46 PST 1997

Late last year, in the final days that Republicans controlled both
houses of the Michigan Legislature, they passed a new law requiring
citizen-units to show a picture ID in order to vote.  This law was
signed by Governor John Engler earlier this month.  Here I reproduce
without permission a news brief from the Lansing State Journal,
which gives some reactions to the new law.  Particularly interesting
to me is the promise of selective enforcement from the Governor's

'     Pontiac -- A Republican lawmaker has asked the U.S. Justice 
' Department to review a new state law that will require voters to show
' photo identification to cast ballots.
'     Rep. Greg Kaza of Rochester Hills wrote to Attorney General Janet
' Reno this week to seek the review, The Oakland Press reported Thursday.
'     The new law requires all voters to have a state photo ID card, such
' as a driver's license or an ID card people receiving public assistance
' are required to have.
'     Kaza said Wednesday he wrote to Reno that "Public Act 583 of 1996
' has the potential to intimidate certain classes of voters, including
' senior citizens, from exercising their democratic right to vote.  They
' should not be disenfranchised from exercising their right to vote 
' under the United States Constitution."
'     Gov. John Engler signed the bill last week.  His administration
' says it is needed to protect the integrity of the voting process, but
' critics, mostly Democrats, say it would exclude some people from voting.
'     "It is our belief you need an ID in society today," Engler spokesman
' John Truscott said.  "And only if you are challenged at the ballot box
' do you have to show an ID."
'     Michigan Attorney General Frank Kelley already has been asked to
' issue an opinion on whether the new law is constitutional.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  "We are surrounded by 
:: Lou Poppler <lwp at>  ::   insurmountable opportunity."
::   ::  
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   -- Pogo (Walt Kelly)

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