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Sat Jan 25 11:21:31 PST 1997

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Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 13:21:12 -0600
To: pal at
From: "cypherpunks at" <cypherpunks at>
Subject: Re: Extra Income
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>Our Research Has Indicated That The Following
>Message Will Be Of Interest To You.
>Imagine what you can do with...
> Here's How To Get Started
>      Let me tell you which companies to contact so you can start to
> receive your checks. They can be $200.00, $400.00, even $800.00 per
> week, depending on what you do. You can earn this excellent income
> right at home. And you work only when you want to.
>      My name is Henry Summers. I investigate income opportunities
> that are advertised in magazines or by mail or are listed in home work
> directories and other sources.
>      Then I talk to people who are actually using these opportunities. I ask
> how much money they make... and whether they enjoy the work. This helps
> me direct you to the best opportunities that are available today. Ones that
> people are using right now to earn all the money they want.
> Get Paid For Stuffing Envelopes.
> No Fees. Nothing To Buy.
>      This easy work is very appealing, but most people do not know
> how to get it. That's because so many of the envelope stuffing programs
> being advertised are not what you expect. And you don't find that out
> until after you send in your money.
>       Let me tell you the real facts. With true envelope stuffing...
>       * You do not need to pay any fee or buy any materials to get started.
>       * You do not do any advertising or handle any orders.
>       * All printing, postage, and mailing lists are supplied free by
>          the companies that pay you.
>       * Your pay is based entirely on how many envelopes you complete.
>      Rosie Martinez is an example of someone who earns money stuffing
> envelopes. The company delivers all the materials right to her door.
> She stuffs the envelopes, seals them, and applies the mailing labels
> and postage stamps that are supplied. Then she gets paid for every
> envelope completed.
>      Rosie says, "I'm retired, and I enjoy having something to do.
>                          I usually watch television while I work. The
>                          home shopping  shows are much more fun now
>                          that I have money to spend."
>      If you'd like to do this kind of work, just follow the directions in
> Chapter 3 of my book "Real Home Income". Or try any of the other
> opportunities covered.
>      Hundreds of companies are ready to help you make money. I'll
> tell you what each one has available now.
>      Choose the kind of work you like and write to the companies who
> offer it. Pick any you want. You can work as an independent contractor for
> as many companies as you have time for.
>      There are no qualifications to meet, so you will not be turned
> down. I guarantee it. If you don't like one company or you want to make
> more money, there are plenty of others you can try.
> Get Paid For Assembling Miniatures
>      Gina Walker of Texas likes to assemble miniature furniture for doll
> All the necessary materials are supplied by the company that
> pays her. She puts them together and sends them back to the company.
>      Everything is conveniently handled by mail and UPS. The company
> sends her a nice pay check for each batch she completes.
>      Gina says: "I really like the work, and the extra money helps
>                       pay my bills. I'm glad I found out about these
>      You can get paid the same way. And you don't have to make miniatures.
> You can choose from many other types of work. You can sew baby
> bonnets, assemble beaded jewelry, crochet doll clothes, make wooden
> items, assemble stuffed animals, paint figurines, weave rattan reed,
> and many more.
>     You get the names and addresses of over 50 companies that will pay
>for things you make or assemble at home. No experience is required,
>and it makes no difference where you live.
>     Almost all the companies supply the needed materials. Just do the
>work and get paid for each batch you send back. Wouldn't you like to
>get those pay checks? I'll show you how to get started fast.
>How I Made $800.00 Per Week After Losing My Job
>     I became interested in home income opportunities several years
>ago when I lost my job. I sent for dozens of money making offers. Most
>were totally worthless. Others did not appeal to me.
>     But circular mailing caught my interest... and it actually
>worked. In just six weeks, I was making over $800.00 a week working
>part time at home. It was better than my previous job. I soon paid off
>my bills and bought a new car.
>     Yet that was only the beginning. As I learned more about it and
>tried different things, the money poured in even faster. It made a
>huge difference when I applied certain secrets that are used by the
>experts. I was amazed at how profitable it could be.
>     In "Real Home Income" you'll learn how to use those secrets
>yourself. I'll tell you which companies to contact to get started.
>I'll show you some simple steps you can take to double your income
>without doing any more work.
>      If you want, you can do all of this without handling any
>orders. Your name and address does not have to appear on anything you
>mail. You just mail circulars for companies and receive nice fat
>checks from them.
>     With my proven methods, you can soon be earning more money than
>you ever imagined. Just follow my directions, and you can start
>receiving checks from the same companies I do.
>Receive One Dollar For Each Envelope You Stuff.
>Envelopes Come To You Already Stamped And Addressed.
>     This easy work is advertised by over thirty- five companies. But
>they require that you pay $25.00 to $45.00 to register in their
>program. And then the program seldom turns out to be what you'd
>     That's where my book can help out. I describe the three kinds of
>mail programs that pay one dollar per envelope. But there is only ONE
>that I recommend. Not only is it more profitable overall, but you
>don't have to pay any fee to do it. Not even a dollar. Read about "The
>World's Best Dollar- Per- Envelope Program" in Chapter 4.
>How To Avoid Disappointment
>     So many worthless offers are commonly advertised that many
>people give up before they come across a good one. That won't happen
>to you when you have my book.
>     It tells you exactly how to recognize and avoid worthless
>offers. The most common ripoffs are covered in detail. This knowledge
> can save you a great deal of time and money.
>     You can then take advantage of the many practical, down- to-
>earth opportunities that are described. Ones that enable you to start
>making money fast. Even just one extra source of income can make a big
>difference in your standard of living.
>Start To Earn Money In 48 Hours
>     When you get the book, look over the many excellent
>opportunities. Each listing includes a brief description of what is
>offered. Write to the companies you like and request an application
>form. They have openings right now, and they'll be happy to get you
>     You can begin to make money even faster if you choose one of the
>programs or plans that the book describes in detail. I'll tell you
>everything you need to know to get started. By taking a few simple
>steps, you can already be making money just 48 hours after you receive
>the book.
>Unlimited No Nonsense Guarantee
>    "Real Home Income" costs just $29.95 plus $3.00 for postage and
>handling. I'm so confident you can make the money I've talked about
>that I back it with a lifetime, money- back guarantee. If at any time
>you feel the book has not helped you make all the money you want, just
>send it back. I'll promptly send you a full refund of everything you
>paid, including postage and tax.
>     Start to enjoy more income and a better life as soon as
>possible. Please complete the order form and mail it today.
>Everything will be rushed to you by first class mail.
>                                                           Sincerely,
>                                                           Henry Summers
>     P.S. I've recently discovered an amazingly profitable
>            opportunity. One person I talked to made $20,000 in his
>            first six weeks... working right at home in his spare
>            time. It is not multi- level marketing. I've never seen
>            anything like it before. I'l give you a toll free number
>            to call so you can get started.
>                              Please Print and Mail This Order Form
>   SUMMERS PUBLICATIONS                                      # 30516  
>   1010 Calle Cordillera, P.O. Box 3127
>   San Clemente, CA 92672
>             ( ) Yes, I would like to get started. Please rush me
>                  "Real Home Income" under your lifetime money-
>                   back guarantee. Enclosed is $29.95 plus $3.00 for
>                   postage and handling. $32.95 total. (If you live in
>                   California,  please send $34.95)
>        Name____________________________________________       
>       Address___________________________________________     
>       City, State, Zip_____________________________________     

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