Fighting the cybercensor. (fwd)

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Fri Jan 24 23:25:49 PST 1997

At 07:38 PM 1/23/97 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
>> We here all know that this is right but it's obvious that
>> the language is sliding towards Internet = Web. Most people
>Typical modern American attitude, getting it right is too much work so 
>let's lower the benchmark so anyone can be 'right'. 
>You'll be supporting Ebonics next.

One of the points of the Ebonics program is to recognize that
other people don't always speak the same way you do, and that
if you want to communicate with them, you'll be more successful
if you realize it, understand when they're talking in their dialect,
and if you're going to talk back to them in yours, remember to
translate on occasion.  _Regardless_ of whose dialect is "right"
(of course on technical issues, we technical people are right,
but if you've got the hacker nature, treat it as a problem in
social engineering.......)

					Speaker to Marketers

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