your mail

tekmasta at tekmasta at
Fri Jan 24 18:52:48 PST 1997

At 02:37 PM 1/24/97 -0800, you wrote:
>On Fri, 24 Jan 1997, fuck you wrote:
>> Are their any H/ P/ V/ A/ C ers   on this list??
>	Yes.
>Head of the Genocide2600 Group
>		   **Coming soon!!
>         ____________________
>  *---===|                  |===---*
>  *---===|     Genocide     |===---*     "You can be a king or a street
>  *---===|       2600       |===---*   sweeper, but everyone dances with the
>  *---===|__________________|===---*              Grim Reaper."
>Email:  gen2600 at	Web:
>	It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.
>	It is by the Mountain Dew that the thoughts acquire speed,
>	the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning.
>	It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.

try my site too

can anyone help me out with getting pgp working... I just got 2.6.2
excutable the freeware one and its for dos... I need to get one that works
with eudora or netscape.... please help!
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