Rejection policy of the Cypherpunks maiing list

Mullen Mullen
Fri Jan 24 13:12:36 PST 1997

Igor sez:
>Sandy also states rather plainly that crypto-relevance is not the
>criterion by which he moderates this list. I question this policy.

I question this, too.  What, exactly, is the criterion?

Cypherpunks charter sez:
The cypherpunks list is a forum for discussing personal defenses for
privacy in the digital domain.  

<Keep in mind I didn't read the described article> How does personal
through forged and anonymous mail not fit this topic?

However, I _do_ have to say such a topic would have to keep with a 
descriptive attitude, rather than demonstrative...  :-)

On another note, even though some messages which may be of interest may
get lost in the shuffle, I do like the reduced volume, esp. since I get
at work.  Unfortunately, the reduced mail is a result of censorship...

~ Patrick

>From: 	ichudov at[SMTP:ichudov at]
>Sent: 	Friday, January 24, 1997 2:33 AM
>To: 	Cypherpunks
>Subject: 	Rejection policy of the Cypherpunks maiing list
>I would like to start a thread to discuss the moderation and rejection 
>My perfectly crypto-relevant article regarding possible attacks
>on human relationships with the use of forged mail and anonymous
>remailers, has been tossed out (sorted) into cypherpunks-flames 
>mailing list.
>You can receive a copy of my article by an email request.
>The explanation that Sandy Sandfort gave me mentioned that he rejected
>my message because it continued a thread where Sandy noticed instances
>of "flaming". Note that my message was free of any flames, including
>its quoted part.
>Sandy also states rather plainly that crypto-relevance is not the
>criterion by which he moderates this list. I question this policy.
>I would like to hear your opinions as to whether such policies satisfy
>the current readership.
>	- Igor.

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