4th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Mike Reiter reiter at research.att.com
Thu Jan 23 19:12:40 PST 1997



    Fourth ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
               (Preliminary Technical Program)
                     Zurich, Switzerland
                      April 1-4, 1997
                   Sponsored by ACM SIGSAC

For more information, including registration and hotel information,
see: http://www.zurich.ibm.ch/pub/Other/ACMsec/index.html


4 half-day tutorials in two parallel tracks:

		Theory Track			Practice Track

Morning     Cryptography		CERT and Practical Network Security
            Jim Massey, Ueli Maurer	Tom Longstaff
	    (ETH Zurich)		(Software Engineering Institute)


Afternoon   Internet Security		Info-Wars
	    Refik Molva			Paul Karger
	    (Eurecom)			(IBM TJ Watson)


09:00-09:30 Introduction and Opening Comments
			Richard Graveman (Bellcore)
			Phil Janson (IBM Zurich Lab)
			Li Gong (JavaSoft)
			Clifford Neuman (Univ. of Southern California)

09:30-10:30 Invited talk 1: To Be Announced

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:00 Session 1: Fair Exchange of Information
			Chair: Philippe Janson (IBM Zurich Lab)

* Fair Exchange with a Semi-Trusted Third Party
  Matthew Franklin, Mike Reiter (AT&T Research)

* Optimistic Protocols for Fair Exchange
  N. Asokan, Matthias Schunter, Michael Waidner
	(IBM Zurich Lab and Univ. Dortmund)

12:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Session 2: Language and System Security
			Chair: Michael Waidner (IBM Zurich Lab)

* Static Typing with Dynamic Linking
  Drew Dean (Princeton University)

* Secure Digital Names
  Scott Stornetta, Stuart Haber (Surety Technologies)

* A Calculus for Cryptographic Protocols: The Spi Calculus
  Martin Abadi, Andrew D. Gordon (DEC SRC and Cambridge)

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:30 Panel 1: Programming Languages as a Basis for Security
			Chair: Drew Dean (Princeton)
			Panelists: To Be Announced

Welcome Cocktail


09:00-10:30 Session 3: Authentication
			Chair: Ravi Sandhu (George Mason Univ.)

* Authentication via Keystroke Dynamics
  Fabian Monrose, Avi Rubin (New York Univ. and Bellcore)

* Path Independence for Authentication in Large-Scale Systems
  Mike Reiter, Stuart Stubblebine (AT&T Research)

* Proactive Password Checking with Decision Trees
  Francesco Bergadano, Bruno Crispo, Giancarlo Ruffo
	(Univ. of Turin)

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:00 Invited talk 2: To Be Announced

12:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Session 4: Signatures and Escrow
			Chair: Martin Abadi (DEC SRC)

* Verifiable Partial Key Escrow
  Mihir Bellare, Shafi Goldwasser (UC San Diego and MIT)

* New Blind Signatures Equivalent to Factorisation
  David Pointcheval, Jacques Stern (ENS/DMI, France)

* Proactive Public-Key and Signature Schemes
  Markus Jakobsson, Stanislaw Jarecki, Amir Herzberg,
	Hugo Krawczyk, Moti Yung (UC San Diego, MIT, IBM Haifa Lab,
	IBM TJ Watson, and Bankers Trust)

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Panel 2: Persistance and Longevity of Digital Signatures
			Chair: Gene Tsudik (USC/ISI)
			Panelists: To Be Announced

Banquet Dinner


09:00-10:30 Session 5: Commerce and Commercial Security
			Chair: Jacques Stern (ENS/DMI, France)

* A New On-Line Cash Check Scheme
  Robert H. Deng, Yongfei Han, Albert B. Jeng,
	Teow-Hin Ngair (National University of Singapore)

* Conditional Purchase Orders
  John Kelsey, Bruce Schneier (Counterpane Systems)

* The Specification and Implementation of 'Commercial' Security
	Requirements including Dynamic Segregation of Duties
  Simon Foley (University College, Cork, Ireland)

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Session 6: Cryptography
			Chair: Mike Reiter (AT&T Research)

* On the Importance of Securing Your Bins:
	The Garbage-Man-in-the-Middle Attack
  Marc Joye, Jean-Jacques Quisquater (Univ. Louvain)

* Improved Security Bounds for Pseudorandom Permutations
  Jacques Patarin (Bull)

* Asymmetric Fingerprinting for Larger Collusions
  Birgit Pfitzmann, Michael Waidner
	(Univ. Hildesheim and IBM Zurich Lab)

12:30 Conference Adjourns

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