Fighting the cybercensor. (fwd)

Asgaard asgaard at
Thu Jan 23 12:04:14 PST 1997

On Wed, 22 Jan 1997, Jim Choate wrote:

>The Web does not equal the Internet, straw man argument.

A semantic comment:

We here all know that this is right but it's obvious that
the language is sliding towards Internet = Web. Most people
using tcp/ip email don't think about this as using the Internet.
Another list I'm on has recently set up a Hypermail site on
the Web, mingling transparently with the list, for those who
are overwhelmed by 100 posts a day (it's a proffessional list
unrelated to computers per se). When people here about it they
say: 'Wow, I didn't know you had access to the list on the
Internet too!' It's treated the same on television, in the US as
well as here in Sweden, Internet = Web and nothing else.

It will be hard for us who have been around for a while, and
to fresh computer litterates who know something of what's behind
the screen, to relearn the use of the term 'Internet'. But we
will eventually have to accept it or become 'dinosaurs', that's
the way language evolution works.


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