Dr. Vulis' social engineering "experiment"

Bill Campbell wcampbel at peganet.com
Wed Jan 22 04:14:06 PST 1997

Sean Roach <roach_s at alph.swosu.edu> wrote:
> At 02:22 AM 1/21/97 -0800, Toto wrote:
> >Bill Campbell wrote:
> >
> >> I feel we at a *critical* crossroads in this debate, and one of the
> >> more important voices has *very* effectively been silenced.
> >
> >  Dr. Vulis? There was an 'attempt' to silence him, but it hasn't 
> >worked, to date.
> > 
> I believe he is referring to silencing the list, not Vulis.  As long as the
> members of this list are argueing over semantics, the government has one
> less challenger in the fight over our rights.
> Remember, one of the oldest tactics of war is to turn the enemy against itself.

  I thought my meaning was obvious, but thanks for pointing it out
to those who didn't get it.
  When I first began reading this list, I realized that a lot of
important information was being put out; and it certainly raised
my awareness of issues that I had not previously thought about.
I believe that many other subscribers to the list also were exposed
to many of these concepts, and that many subscribers to the list
were people who could make a difference.
  I fear that many have now left the list, since it now seems to
resemble, in many ways, a list consisting of high school age
"wannabes" who think it's really cool to attack people just
because they can.
  The downward spiral into inconsequential meaningless postings
began with posts containing the word "fart".
  So cool, dudes.


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