You can now subscr. to the moderated/unmoderated/flames lists

Toto toto at
Tue Jan 21 07:10:45 PST 1997

Dale Thorn wrote:

> I don't like to admit to it, but I've practiced baiting for many years

  This startling announcement ranks right up there at the top of the
'surprise' scale, along with K.D. Lang's announcement that she is gay.
(Like the Butch (crew-cut) hairstyle was not a major hint.)

  By the way, when I espoused my opinion that the moderation
"your suggestions will be considered" was merely political rhetoric, I 
was offered (and took) a bet of 50,000 electronic porno byte-credits
on whether or not I was right.
  My opponent and I agreed that lack of any serious recognition of the
member's input would be taken as a sign of my supposition being correct.
I am of the belief that I have won the bet. Does anyone have any proof
to the contrary?


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