Sandy and the Doc

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Sun Jan 19 01:40:57 PST 1997

                          SANDY SANDFORT
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


On Sat, 18 Jan 1997, Dale Thorn wrote:

> Do we now have to have occasional assurances that the "unedited" list
> is not being restrained?  I thought that was a given, beyond question
> of any kind.  I thought *all* of the controversy revolved around the
> edited/censored list (having stole the original list's name), and that
> everyone understood that the uncensored list was untouchable.  But now
> Sandy is taken to offering reassurances.  What's next??
Dale, don't be such an ass.  If "everyone understood that the 
uncensored (sic) list was untouchable" then why have you and
others continued to challenge that proposition.  You have put
forward the classic heads-I-win-tails-you-lose logical fallacy.
If I say nothing to support the proposition you whine about a
"hidden agenda."  If I reaffirm my commitment to the plan, you
spout pop psychological nonsense of the "the lady doth protest
too much variety."  Which is it, Dale?  You are so transparent.

 S a n d y


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