Cheap CyberShots

Toto toto at
Sat Jan 18 16:25:50 PST 1997

In the interests of upgrading the quality of cheap shots in 
CyberSpace, I thought I would pass along the following as an
example of how to 'finesse' a cheap shot.

> Shouting Ground Technologies, Inc. is concerned about the increased
> abuse of the internet with "spamming".  In this instance, we find
> ourselves in a dilemma. 
>   * We do not condone any improper use of the internet, including
>     spamming. 
>   * We respect the right of privacy of individuals, and the right
>     to conduct lawful business unhindered.
> In the past few days we've received a lot of complaints about the
> inappropriate messages.  Several people have demanded that we take
> immediate action.  A couple were very critical that we did not
> cut their internet access immediately.
>  So people are in effect suggesting that we
>   * Unilaterally violate the terms of their service contract, subjecting
>     us to liability for their lost business.
>   * Violate their right to privacy by filtering and reading all of
>     their e-mail and news traffic.

> Presumably we would have the same culpability for all of our clients,
> so we'd have to read everybody's e-mail before passing it on.  We
> suspect that anybody that wants to be treated that way already
> has service with Prodigy.

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