[STATS] Cypherpunks-unedited subscriptions

Dale Thorn dthorn at gte.net
Sat Jan 18 09:29:40 PST 1997

i.am.not.a.number at best.com wrote:

> dang!  i forgot to change.
> what's the moderated list being called?
> which is this one?  yikes --- i've been paying attention
> to somether things.

> At 08:17 PM 1/17/97 -0800, you wrote:
> >Total subscribers for:

This is exactly the reason the jerks (Gilmore, Sandfort) CHANGED THE
NAME of the original list, and had the *moderated* list co-opt the
original name.

This is one of the oldest and most well-used national security tricks
in the book.  When I asked Gilmore about this, he ignored my question
and rambled on about some irrelevant thing.  Surprised?

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