Get me off this fucking list, or else.... (fwd)

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Sat Jan 18 00:09:10 PST 1997

a) You don't follow directions very well 
	(since you're still on the list, and since the software
	works just fine for people who can follow directions
	or consider spelling to be unimportant), or
b) The mailing list daemon is broken (happens sometimes, but usually
	that gives you no traffic), or
c) The mail you're sending doesn't have your correct headers on it
	(e.g. looks like it's from res at instead of 
	res at, in which case you may need human help, or
d) Somebody doesn't like you and subscribed you to the list
	because it's well-known to be a high-volume mailing list,
	and they keep subscribing you after you unsubscribe,
	in which case harassing the 1300+ people who _do_ want to
	be on the list is not a good thing to do.

So send mail to majordomo at, saying "help" and RFTM.

At 04:31 PM 1/17/97 +0000, Rodrigo Espirito Santo wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 16:30:25 +0000 (GMT)
>From: Rodrigo Espirito Santo <res at>
>To: cypherpunks at
>Cc: cypherpunks at
>Subject: Get me off this fucking list, or else....
>Hey you dumb asses, i tried to unsubscribe this list in the correct way 
>but you guys don't know SHIT about this!!!!1
>If you don't get me out now i'll subscribe each and every one of you to 
>some goddamn gay and lesbiann and freak mailing list!!!!!!
>get me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at
# You can get PGP outside the US at
#     (If this is a mailing list, please Cc: me on replies.  Thanks.)

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