Forget DES, crack CAVE; was: Newt may be more receptive to encryption now

Steve Schear azur at
Fri Jan 17 12:23:49 PST 1997

>I think what's important to stress is that technical fixes work, laws
>Net-advocates in DC are already planning to suggest to Republicans that
>they use crypto as a hammer to nail Gore (the chief White House supporter
>of the current policy) and draw votes and cash from Silicon Valley.
>On Thu, 16 Jan 1997 Scottauge at wrote:
>> Given his troubles with this "hay seed" scanner recording democrats, ol' Newt
>> may be more receptive to encryption.
>> Our privacy certainly is getting trashed by this presidency and I am hoping
>> an impeachment is coming down the line.
>> Since the congress is who makes the laws, maybe we all can focus some snail
>> mail to these guys.
>> Perhaps EFF could even draft some laws for our protection (what a joke - just
>> to keep busy body beaurocrats outta our business).
>> What does it matter anyhow, these guys dont read their own 300 - 5000 page
>> laws anyhow....
>> Hopeless....

Why don't we threaten to monitor and post RealAudio of all the politico's
juciest cellular intrigues, or design and distribute CAVE cracking software
to allow simple monitoring of digital cellular communications.  IMHO, this
would be a better demonstration that the DES crack being contemplated.

-- Steve

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