Steve Schear azur at
Thu Jan 16 13:21:32 PST 1997

>It figures.  It's Fuehrer Clinton's home state, isn't it?
>Somedays, this shit just makes me want to give up on the USA, and
>emigrate to Anguila.
Have you spent time in Anguila?  I have.  As a visitor its a very safe,
friendly, family-oriented society.  But as a resident the picture is
somewhat different due to a certain cliqish-ness and small-country
mentality (e.g., the exclusive arrangement of Cable & Wireless).  Don't get
me wrong I love the place.  It certainly a world apart from St. Martin/Sint
Maarten only 8 miles distant.

>begin forwarded message:
>Date:  January 15, 1997
>To:  All RadioShack Stores
>From:  RadioShack Communications
>Memo Id:  8216
>The Arkansas Police have declared that is is illegal to own, use, or
>possess RSU product #11265113, a fully assembled
>descrambler/scrambler, in the State of Arkansas.  Tandy Corporation's
>legal department is researching this and the product has been removed
>from RSU distribution.  DO NOT take order or sell this product until
>this situation can be resolved.

I'm sure this represents an interference in interstate commerce and won't
stand up in court.

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