How to Deal with a Homo Superior Who is on the Make with You

aga aga at
Wed Jan 15 03:03:17 PST 1997

It is clear from reading this that all equal employment
laws should be eliminated.

On Tue, 14 Jan 1997, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> Path: perun!!panix!!!!!!!!non-tell
> From: Anonymous <non-tell at>
> Newsgroups: alt.politics.equality,alt.politics.correct,alt.politics.homosexuality,alt.politics.nationalism.white,alt.politics.white-power,,alt.psychology,alt.renewing.american.civilization,alt.sci.sociology,
> Subject: How to Deal with a Homo Superior Who is on the Make with You
> Message-ID: <199701131555.HAA14303 at>
> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 07:55:23 -0800
> Organization: pseudonymous service
> Lines: 68
> Comments: Please report abuse to abuse at
> Mail-To-News-Contact: postmaster at
> How to Deal with a Homo Superior Who is on the Make with You
> The answer is very simple: lobby for a return to employment
> "at will" by repealing ALL equal employment opportunity laws
> including the provisions of the Americans with Disability Act
> which pertain to employment.  Filing complaints or lawsuits
> is definitely not recommended as this would be the worst kind
> of career suicide.
> Years ago when homosexuality was stigmatized and there was
> employment at will, the homos kept a very low profile because
> if they let loose with their true nature, then they would be
> out on their ear, pronto!
> However, pass equality laws in a small minority of jurisdictions,
> and the homos get the impression that they can get away with
> just about anything even if they are not covered by one of those
> laws in their own jurisdiction.
> The behavior at major corporations on the part of homos ranges
> from "the look" to outright propositions, to outright vigorous
> harassment and even extortion.  I thought that the emergence of
> the AIDS epidemic would have a drastic dampening effect on this
> type of behavior, but boy, oh, boy, was I ever wrong!!  It seems
> that if you groom yourself to any degree, the elements get the
> impression that you are germ-free and highly desirable, and you
> will attract their attention like a lightening rod.
> To be fair, the worst perpetrators of this adverse behavior are not
> those guys perceived to be homosexuals but bisexuals - you know,
> the guys with the wives or girlfriends.  Boy, are these guys ever
> confused, and boy, are they ever motivated, sex hungry, and on the
> prowl!
> Homosexual managers and executives share a trait with females, that
> is, they will not tolerate capable male subordinates for long (unless,
> of course, the subordinate is extra special friendly - if you get
> my drift.)  These managers and executives are paranoid about their
> job security just as females are, and they cannot stand any competitive
> threat.  By the way, female managers and executives have an affinity
> for gay subordinates.  It just goes to demonstrate how sociological
> alliances are forming under government enforced equality.

Yes, and this points out how homosexuals and females (who are usually
always also homosexual) are the WORST thing that any viable
Corporation can ask for.  An ALL male heterosexual entity is the ONLY
way to survive the business world today.  A woman's place is in the
home, and a faggots place is NEVER to be superior to any heterosexual

> Now that the job market is quite tight and very much a buyers' market,
> prospective employers get the impression that they can reduce job
> candidates and subordinates to sexual slavery since workers have
> few, if any, alternatives, and the saddest part of the situation is
> that many workers are going along with the extortionate demands thereby
> making matters much worse for the workers who refuse to do likewise!
> Now, I know that some detractors in the reading audience will say,
> "If you re-stigmatize homosexuality, you will drive it underground,"
> but what the h-ll is wrong with driving it underground???  This
> statement is sophistry at its worse because it doesn't even make
> any sense on its surface.
> On a related front:
> The Treatise on the Downward Wage Equalizing Effects
> of Equal Employment Opportunity is available at:
> "Government enforced wage equalization will work only in the
> downward direction" - despite any initial appearance to the
> contrary!  And the most shocking thing of all is that the
> least preferred worker does not even have to be awarded a
> job for many phenomena to occur.

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