You can now subscr. to the moderated/unmoderated/flames lists

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Tue Jan 14 22:58:08 PST 1997

A minor note:  When I downloaded email tonite (Tues), there were 67
messages, and I got stopped 4 times with server errors.  I've had at
most four such errors total in the past 4 months. Coincidence, I guess.

I unsubscribed cypherpunks, and re-subscribed to cypherpunks-unedited.
I am now allegedly on the "original" list, but under a different name.

So now I suppose anyone can get a list from majordomo(?) and see that I
am on the "unedited" list (i.e., a second-class citizen, a minority),
and no longer one of the "elite".  If this is true (if), I'd like to
say a big *BOO, HISS* to all the scum who didn't protest at least this
item (renaming the original, and giving the original name to the edited

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