PBS program - Turing/Enigma

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Mon Jan 13 13:56:17 PST 1997

dave_gellerman at newbridge.com (Dave Gellerman) writes:

> In article <01bbfde7$950f4820$fb1093cf at worldnet.worldnet.att.net>, "Tech"
> <TIER-1 at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> > Feb 2,1997 (one 90 minute show) ref: www.pbs.org
> > 
> > bill_h <bill_h at azstarnet.com> wrote in article
> > <32D1F2C1.9B1 at azstarnet.com>...
> > > Just caught a teaser on Public Television for an upcoming Mobile
> > > Masterpiece Theatre presentation billed as "the true story of
> > > Alan Turing" titled 'Breaking The Code'.
> > > 
> > > The little bit of clips they showed looked fascinating.
> > > 
> > > Is this a 'new' show or a re-run? Anybody know anything about it?
> > > 
> From the pbs web site:
>        "Breaking the Code" (2/2) Based on the play by Hugh Whitemore and
> the book Alan Turing: the Enigma by
>        Andrew Hodges, this program tells the story of Turing (Derek
> Jacobi), the mathematical genius who was
>        responsible for designing the computer that enabled the allies to
> crack the German Enigma code and, some would
>        argue, win the war. On Churchill's specific instructions, Turing was
> given all the resources he required and his
>        personal behavior was tolerated - Turing was an active homosexual at
> a time when homosexuality was illegal.
>        Amanda Root, Prunella Scales, Harold Pinter, Alun Armstrong and
> Richard Johnson also star. 
> Dave

Homosexuality was pretty well accepted in GB in 1930's, as evidenced by the
success of Comrade Philby and his friends.

Homosexuals have a strange attraction to cryptography, perhaps because of its
connection to privacy and anonymity. But they haven't made any contribution to
it (or to any other area of human knowledge). They ascribe to Turing the
results of heterosexual cryptographers; they libel prominent heterosexuals
like Leonardo da Vinci to argue that their perversion somehow leads to
intellectual superiority.

While homosexuality used to be a detriment to obtaining a security clearance,
being gay at NSA was a big plus under Inman. Of course now being gay is a big
plus anywhere in the KKKlintoris administration.

ObHomophobocReference: cocksucker John Gilmore is full of shit.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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