Infowar Digest Volume 02: Number 01

Betty G. O'Hearn betty at
Sun Jan 12 19:32:51 PST 1997

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Infowar at is brought to you in the  the interest of an open, unclassified exchange of information and ideas as a means for advancement of Information Warfare related issues.   Topics of discussion for this list include:  Infowar, Electronic Civil Defense, Hacking, Defensive Techniques, Policy, Non-Lethals, Psyops, Chemical Warfare Agents and WMD. 

As the list expands we will adapt to the needs and desires of our subscribers. 

This is a MODERATED DIGEST format.
Infowar                  Sunday, January 12, 1997        Volume 02: Number 01

RE:  Call for Anecdotes
RE:  The Media and Information Warfare
RE:  British PsyOps
RE:  Futuristic Battlefield
RE:  IWAR Journal
RE:  Discussion Forums Open
To: infowar at
From: Jules Siegel <jsiegel at>
Subject: Call for anecdotes
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 17:17:32 -0600


I need your help. I'm a writer. My work has appeared in Playboy, Esquire,
Rolling Stone, Best American Short Stories. You can examine my credentials

I am currently researching the following article for American Reporter:

The End of Privacy

When the chief operating officer of a major telephone company can't keep his
unlisted telephone number secret, you know the battle for personal privacy
is pretty much lost. New York magazine found the address of reclusive
novelist Thomas Pynchon through an on-line credit-card checking service in
two minutes. Encrypting messages attracts attention and no secret remains
secret very long when hackers with the skills of con men trick the
unsuspecting into revealing passwords. So what would a world without privacy
be like? Maybe it's not all 1984 -- honesty could be another by-product.

I wonder if anyone might want to share:

[1] Any unusually biting anecdotes that would fit the theme above?

[2] Other sources of similar information?

[3] Quotable opinions?

I'm basically interested in personal opinions and experiences. Example: I
received a reply from a writer who had been the subject of a searching
expose and came out of it feeling liberated of her secrets.

I think that as a practical matter privacy no longer exists, if it ever did.
I think it's an illusion created by industrialism. Only hermits had privacy
in the past. As we pass into the next phase of social evolution, I believe
that our constructs will resemble animism -- that is they will be living or
life-like, soft rather than hard, transparent rather than opaque.

Today, the cost of maintaining secrets is beginning to outweigh the value.
Yet we're still addicted to this illusion. What would a genuinely
transparent world be like to those used to living behind masks?

I'm also interested in comments on the following:

[4] Electronic surveillance 

In last November's PC Computing, John Dvorak claimed that government
intelligence agencies had set up remail services in order to check on people
using them. In a private letter I received, a very sane but prudent
journalist working for a mainstream newspaper cited fears of e-mail being
read by intelligence agencies as a reason for not telling me something he
had on his mind.

Questions: What do we know about this sort of thing? What do are we doing
about it?

[5] Spying in the newsroom

Earlier this year, The Miami Herald's Jim Hampton came out strongly against
the CIA using reporters as spies in foreign country. What about in the
United States? I have received information on more than one occasion about
journalists on the payroll of intelligence and/or police agencies spying on
their colleagues, as well as making trouble for specific targets, and
helping squelch certain themes, among other activities.

Question: Do publications tolerate this? Cooperate fully? If not, how do
they handle these cases when they become aware of them?

[6] Blacklisting

The existence of black lists was very well documented in the wake of the
McCarthy era. I'm sure we have good reason to believe that they still exist.

Questions: Do electronic editorial black lists exist? Other fields? How do
they work? How does a victim get off a black list?

All replies will be fully attributed and I will send a checking copy of the
final draft to anyone whose anecdote I use.

Many thanks for your interest and cooperation.

Jules Siegel
>From USA:
Mail: Apdo. 1764 Cancun QR 77501 Mexico
Tel: 011-52-98 87-49-18 Fax 87-49-13 E-mail: jsiegel at
To: Infowar at
From: Daigle166 at 
Subject: The Media and Information Warfare
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 22:14:59 +0000
Message-Id: <22145965403068 at>

     I am currently working on a thesis paper concerned with the subject of
information warfare as it relates to the media.  Specifically, my research
question is:

"Is it morally and ethically acceptable for military commanders and staff
members to purposely mislead the media for the purpose of tactical deception
and information warfare against one's enemies?"

I will obviously be taking a look at both sides of this issue and would
appreciate any information you may have on the subject.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      To: "Winn Schwartau" <winn at>
Cc:  Infowar at
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 07:53:57 +0000
From: Maobrien95 at

I'm looking for books that would detail British PsychOps, especially its 
use in Northern Ireland. Thank you very much for your time.My e-mail:
Maobrien95 at      Respectfully, Frank O'Brien
To: "Betty G. O'Hearn" <betty at>
From: "Michael H. Sedge" <pp10013 at>
Subject: Futuristic Battlefields
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 12:56:54 +0100

Dear Betty,

Thanks in part to the input you provided and the quotes obtained through
your resources, I was able to produce a feature on Cyber Warfare that will appear in the February issue of ARMED FORCES JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, and perhaps other publications around the world.

I am now working on a story which takes a look at the FUTURISTIC
BATTLEFIELD and seek experts for quotes, insight, products, etc. Such things as robotic soldiers and unmanned aircraft will be discussed, as well as warfare controlled from romote sites.

Any help, leads, manufacturers, etc., that you could provide would be

Best regards & Happy New Year.


Michael H. Sedge
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 21:29:26 -0500
To: infowar at
From: "Betty G. O'Hearn" <betty at>
Subject: IWAR Journal.

The Journal of IWAR Intelligence Acquisition - is now being made available at

This journal is published by William Church, a distinquished journalist in the field. Current Issue: Spring 1997: Information Warfare Threat Model.
           Articles by Michael Wilson, Robert Steele, Philip H.J. Davies, Special
           Report on the IPTF, and an interview with Winn Schwartau. 
 To: Infowar at
From: "Betty G. O'Hearn" <betty at>
Subject: Discussion Forums Open

On Monday, January 13, 1997 WWW.InfoWar.Com will begin hosting a series of 
discussion forums, available to anyone on the Internet. Everyone who logs onto 
the forums will also be provided with a mini-home-page (for free!) so other 
participants may get to know with whom they are interacting.

The discussion forums may be accessed from the Infowar.Com Home Page by clicking on the "Digest, Discussion & Chat Groups" icon.  

The forum moderators will be:

Moderator                                                 Topic           

Winn Schwartau			Information Warfare and 
President, Interpact, Inc.	                Electronic Civil Defense

Carolyn Meinel                                          Hackers/Hacking
Publisher of Happy Hacker Digest

Matthew Devost                                        Terrorism
Systems Engineer, SAIC

William Church                                         IWAR
Publisher of The Journal of IWAR Intelligence Acquisition 

Scott Brower                                             EBR  Electronic Bill of Rights/Privacy
Executive Director, Electronic  Frontiers Florida

Robert Steele                                            OSSINT        

Unmoderated                     Viruses

Unmoderated                     Infosec

We welcome this distinguished group of moderators and encourage you to 
participate in these forums. Sign in and start posting!  

Have an idea for a new discussion forum?  Want to be a moderator?  Contact 
betty at


InfoWar.Com will also be introducing several hundred  "chat" lines in the coming 

Keep contributing..... keep up your input.  We are introducing these new 
modules that you have requested.  

Thanks for all of your invaluable support.

Winn Schwartau and the incomparable staff at

END  Infowar Volume 2 No. 1  January 12, 1997
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