A vote of confidence for Sandy

Dale Thorn dthorn at gte.net
Sat Jan 11 10:52:00 PST 1997

Greg Broiles wrote:
> At 10:49 PM 1/10/97 -0800, Lucky Green wrote:

> I think that the human moderator solution suffers less from these problems;
> in general, it's a well-tested solution to the "what about off-topic
> assholes?" problem. It's not perfect, but it does work, more or less; it's
> easy to understand, easy to implement, and requires no software changes on
> the users' end.

Yeah, Greg, we all hate those pesky asshole-types.  But what do you do,
Greg, when the *moderator* is the pesky asshole-type?  Bend over, huh?

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