A vote of confidence for Sandy

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Sat Jan 11 06:40:28 PST 1997

Lucky Green <shamrock at netcom.com> writes:

> At 07:14 PM 1/10/97 -0500, Ray Arachelian wrote:
> >Sandfort isn't the only one who will do this, there will be a pool of
> >moderators. Regardless of your personality conflict, I am sure that Sandy
> >will remain fair and allow appropriate posts from you through. i.e.
> >anything to do with crypto. :)
> Just for the record, I have volunteered to serve as a co-moderator. ...

As a moderator, Plucky would certainly approve his own articles.
In fact, anything he submits would be approved automatically.
In this one he goes on to write:

> As with every TAZ that stays up for too long, Cypherpunks eventually got
> infested by vermin. Vulis, aga, et al. come to mind. In my experience, once
> that happens there is only one solution: take down the TAZ and start over
> somewhere else. ...

If I were to say, "I am not vermin", my response would be rejected by the
moderator(s) as being off-topic.

> [Since I filter on Vulis and aga in the body text of all incoming email, I
> am unlikely to read any replies to this post. ...

Therefore, Plucky Green (who by the way posts on news.admin.net-abuse.* and
various Macintosh newsgroups under his real name) is already not bothered
by my response. He just doesn't want others to see it.

Plucky Green is in turn responding to Ray Arachelian, who runs a "filtered"
version of Cypherpunks. Ray posts lies about me to both the main "cypher
punks" mailing list and his "filtered" one (falsely accusing me of "spamming",
of causing mail loops, etc). When I reply and refute his lies, my responses
don't go to Ray's "filtered" list. Plucky wants the extend his ability to
suppress the victim's ability to refute libel.

ObCrypto: I challenge the "cypher punks" to decode the following text:

Nffubyr prafbe Wbua Tvyzber vf n cngurgvp byq pbpxfhpxre.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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