Modified Token Posting Scheme

Toto toto at
Tue Jan 7 21:32:46 PST 1997

Ray Arachelian wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> > I.e., libel from Timmy May, Ray Arachelian, and the rest of the gang
> > is approved automatically, and when a victim tries to defend himself
> > and to point out that Timmy May is a liar, the response is delayed
> > and probably rejected by the moderator.
> You are far from being the victim of anything.  If anything you're a big
> huge thug who spams the list, posts racist flames, posts homophobic
> flames, uses social engineering to find out info on his "enemies" and
> then posts that info online with requests that others send flames to that
> person's employers.

  Yes, Ray, but he has his 'bad' side, too.

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