FW: Modified Token Posting Scheme

Ed Falk ed.falk at Eng.Sun.COM
Tue Jan 7 13:29:14 PST 1997

> >> How about this simple policy scheme:
> >>
> >>   1) posts from known list members forwarded to list automatically
> >>   2) posts with "approval cookie" also forwarded automatically
> >>   3) otherwise, forwarded only after approval by moderator,
> So does this mean that any personal attacks or useless and annoying
> drivel from the likes of Timmy May, Ray Arachelian and Sandy Sandford
> would be automatically forwarded to the mailing list even though they
> are frequently more annoying than the spam posted by the people who
> would be censored by Gilmore ?

No, just the opposite.  My scheme allows people to route around moderation
by authenticating their posts.  The goal here is to keep *random* stuff,
such as spam, off the list.

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