The Upcoming DES Challenge

amp at amp at
Tue Jan 7 04:55:56 PST 1997

> > > It will NOT run as a screen saver.
> >
> >Too bad.  The screensaver paradigm is something the unwashed
> >masses can easily understand.
> I have been running the distributed prime search software (see my .sig) for
> about two months now. [2^1398269-1 is prime!] If you haven't tried this
> software, I'd urge you to do so now. Not only because it might make you
> famous, but because it will give you some ideas how a distributed DES crack
> might work.
> I always liked the screen saver idea, but a crack using screen savers only
> works while the screen saver is active. The mersenne prime program runs on
> the lowest priority thread under Win95/NT/Linux. It works even while you
> are working, using all the idle cycles it can find, while at the same time
> having no effect at all on any of the work you do. Install it and forget
> about it. It's better than a screen saver.

I agree with Lucky. It may not be as easy for the great unwashed to comprehend, but 
the low-pri thread is the best way to go to maximize cpu time on the project. I too 
am running the Mersenne software on my system (and 5 others), but that project will 
go on hold once a stable version of the DES cracker is available. 

Btw: the person implementing the software may want to take a look at the software 
the GIMPS search is using. It is simple, yet effective.


Name: amp
E-mail: amp at
Date: 01/07/97
Time: 06:51:34

EARTH FIRST! We'll strip mine the other planets later.

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