jim bell jimbell at
Sun Jan 5 14:40:06 PST 1997

At 10:26 AM 1/5/97 -0800, Dale Thorn wrote:
>jim bell wrote:
>> At 10:57 PM 1/4/97 -0800, Toto wrote:
>> >Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
>> >> I used to be at 212-666-6984 for some 7 years.
>> >  Aha!
>> You figured it out, too, huh?!?  Take the word "devil," remove the
>> vowels and you get dvl.  Rearrange slightly, and it's "dlv."
>I can't resist this any longer.  Pity the poor slobs who have me
>in the filter.
>1. Dale Thorn is very similar to Damien Thorn.
>2. The Roman numerals in my name add up to 555. For a 'C' programmer,
>   this can be the equivalent of 666 for a Basic programmer, taking
>   one digit at a time.
>3. If you sign (with a pen) the name quickly, using counterclockwise
>   loops only, it will look exactly like 666, which BTW was a significant
>   paragraph in a lawsuit between myself and a former employer (they
>   initiated the paragraph).

The devil you say!

Jim Bell
jimbell at

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