Matthew Ghio ghio at
Sat Jan 4 22:20:33 PST 1997

Anonymous wrote:
>         One issue which I haven't seen anybody address is the
> provision to make export licenses easier to obtain for those
> companies which show a credible business plan that supports GAK.
>         1) Isn't this showing favouritism in an administrative
> decision to people who support the government's political agenda.
>         2) If the export of a certain encryption `item' is inimical to
> `National Security', isn't the harm to the `National Security' the same
> regardless of whether the exporter plans to produce GAK products in the
> future or not?
>         Based on these two points shouldn't this aspect of the regulations
> considered as being `arbitrary' and hence unconstitutional.

Yes, yes, and no... Arbitrary government decisions are not unconstitutional
in general; however, arbitrary discretion in prohibiting publications is
most certainly a voilation of the First Amendment.

>         A further thought. If you obtain an export license by showing
> the government a business plan that supports GAK, but then do not
> follow your business plan, how will the goverment `get' you?

They get you through their paradigm of standardless discretion.

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