Experiments on Mailing Lists

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Sat Jan 4 16:50:21 PST 1997

"Timothy C. May" <tcmay at got.net> writes:
> Except for the one of using the versions of majordomo (which exist, as I
> understand things) which only allow posts by subscribed members. This may
> nuke anonymous posts, but so what? The _possibility_ of anonymity, which we
> mostly all support, does not mean that people have to listen to such posts.
> And since the junk from anonymous posts is getting to be a serious
> problem....
> Another possibility is that anonymous posts get kicked into a file for
> later approval or nonapproval by someone. Nothing fancy (that is, no
> "tokens" and complicated accounting systems, such as have been proposed),
> just a manual "moderation" by someone, or some set of volunteers, etc.
> Enough moderation to let the "Red Rackham" sorts of good posts through
> while blocking the "Make Money Fast" and barnyard insults from making it.

Timmy seems to be VERY bothered by those anonymous posts and would
surely like them to stop - perfectly illustrating why the "cypher punks"
are enemies of free speech. Timmy can killfile anything he doesn't like,
but he wants to prevent everyone else from seeing whatever information
Timmy doesn't want to be disseminated.

You lose, Timmy.  The truth wants to be free.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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