Security & Hackerscene site

Markus H|bner matic at
Fri Jan 3 01:02:01 PST 1997

During the last days the site "Security & Hackerscene" has been
expanded. New sections specialized on intrusion detection, IP-spoofing,
... will help you to protect your site from break-ins and will give you
an insight into the latest methods and tricks used by hackers to break
into obvious secure computers. Furthermore many CERT advisories and
security related text files were redesigned and are now available in
format. You will also find links to the best information resources
(files, e-zines, texts) on the net regarding Internet-Security.

URL of the "Security & Hackerscene" site:


Some of the items you will find:

+ IP-spoofing demystified
+ Intrusion Detection Checklist
+ CGI Security Holes
+ How hackers cover their tracks
+ Compromise FAQ
+ Protecting Yourself from Password File Attacks
+ The Ultimate Sendmail Hole List
+ An Architectural Overview of UNIX Network Security
+ Essential Security Information
+ UNIX Backdoors
+ UNIX System Security Issues
+ Tips for Improving Your Security
+ as well as files commonly found in the underground scene.

I would be glad to receive your feedback.

          Markus H|bner

E-Mail: matic at
Working as a freelance WEB-programmer and security-consultant.

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