"Cypher punks" display arrogance and stupidity in the new year

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Wed Jan 1 21:00:25 PST 1997

aga <aga at dhp.com> writes:
> > You can complain about Ray's forgery, spam, libel, and other net-abuse to
> > his bosses at Earthweb, LLC: Jack Hidary <jack at earthweb.com>, Murray Hidary,
> > <murray at earthweb.com>, and Nova Spivack <nova at earthweb.com>.
> Is John Gilmore an admitted Gay, or does he try and cover it up?

The way Peter "INN Saboteur" Burger tries to cover up his sexual perversions?

Much of the time on the Internet, when some asshole pulls plugs and tries to
silence dissent, he turns out to be Gay. In particular, King John Lack-Clue
Gilmore, the Supreme and Absolute 12" Ruler of the "cypher punks", is an
effeminate, limp-wristed, self-admitted and -exposed cocksucking bitch.

I had lunch with Gilmore once. He slurps rather disgustingly when he eats.
I suppose he slurps the same way when he sucks big dicks in San Francisco.

> > By the way, 'grep' stands for 'g[globa]/r[egular ]e[xpression]/p[rint].
> Ah yes Professor, but then there is Egrep with the pipe
> and Fgrep without the pipe.  How about explaining the difference
> between the use of those buggers?

fgrep runs faster because it doesn't deal with regular expressions like *. If
you're searching for a fixed string ('aga' rather than 'a.*a'), it can save
you a few milliseconds. egrep understand slightly more complicated regular
expressions that regular grep. E.g. egrep "xy?z" file will match xyz and xz,
but not xyyz (zero or one occurrences).

Here's a neat trick: if you want to list a file with line numbers, try:

grep -n "^" file

Of course this is too technical for the "cypher punks".

By the way the word "bugger" comes from the "Bulgaria". In the Middle Ages,
many denizens of the Balkans were in sect that advocated anal intercourse as
a means of birth control. Armenians too are stereotyped in both Russian and
Turkish cultures as a nation of perverts, always ready to bend over for one
another or to fellate a farm animal.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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