Cash-Grabber-Reversal !!!

bizman at bizman at
Wed Jan 1 20:52:16 PST 1997

Some time shared an email message with me.
I'm not going to tell you to quit doing what your doing but...
I will share something that may help and compliment your
current offer.

Yours FREE!  I will send you a copy of my "Reversal Letter" that
has made over $1.098.00 last month.  Use this powerful letter
to anyone who sends you a offer via direct mail.

The "Reversal Letter" is sent snail mail only,  If you would like
to get a copy of this " producing letter"

email me your snail mail address.  If you are working a Primary MLM
or business opportunity...feel free to let us know,   The Reversal
Letter is sent to people who send you their offers.  Powerful!

Thank You!

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