Ebonite Notes from All Over

Igor Chudov @ home ichudov at algebra.com
Wed Jan 1 19:42:45 PST 1997

i find all four not funny at all

drose at AZStarNet.com wrote:
> 1. J. Jackson apparently now finds "ebonics" to be a "Goot Thang"(SM): _S.F.
> Examiner_ reporter Venise (sic) Wagner headlines in the paper's Web site
> today that "Jackson backs Oakland 'ebonics.' Rights leader switches position
> after hearing about program in detail." Says Jackson: "The first message the
> came out was that the district was going to make black language equitable
> (sic) as another language.  That is not the idea." Is Mr. Jackson speaking
> in Ebonics?
> 2. From "A Brief History of Plastics": "Ebonite (TM) is produced by heating
> natural rubber with about 10% by weight of sulpher.  This is about five time
> more sulpher than would be used in conventional vulcanisation. The material
> is hard, black and tough and bears a striking resemblance to the hardwood,
> ebony--hence its name. The main use for ebonite in the early 1800s was in
> piano keys."
> 3. Although Ebonite International sponsors the Professional Bowling
> Association's "Ebonite Classic" tournament, the Official ABC/WIBC Ruling on
> Ball Cleaners, as at 9/12/96, has ruled that their 1-and-2-Step Reactive
> Resin Ball Cleaners "cannot be used during ABC/WIBC sanctioned competition
> because it would be in violation of Rule 19." But take heart: the American
> Bowling Conference Equipment Specifications Department has decided that
> "these products are allowed before or after league and/or tournament sessions."
> 4. What's the difference between a bowling ball and a black woman?  If
> you're really, really hungry, you can always eat the bowling ball.
> N.B. I personally find #4 above to be racist, sick, and not very "funny" at all.

	- Igor.

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