Timmy's Lost It: [Was Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice]

Attila T. Hun attila at primenet.com
Wed Jan 1 00:31:35 PST 1997


In <v03007801aeef0dff9afe@[]>, on 12/31/96 
   at 10:54 AM, "Timothy C. May" <tcmay at got.net> said:

::As to our "reasonableness," I make little effort to hide the fact that 
::I support strong cryptography because it means that the plague of 
::democracy and "mob rule" can be turned back...I view crypto anarchy as 
::an elitist development, one which the ubermensch will appreciate, but 
::the masses will recoil in horror from.

::Fuck the herd.

        yes, and that is why there was a Robespierre and a Madam 
    Defarge.  do you wish to be the first to be strapped to the board?

        your elitism is crap; if you know it and persist, you are asking 
    to lose the "war" with the Feds; if you don't know it, you're just 
    ignorant.  you are doing nothing except feeding your own ego in the 
    hope of winning one battle and establishing that self-same elitism.

        either your "elite" stoop to the level of the 'herd' you so 
    glibbly label 'Fuck the herd,' and enlist their support of *their* 
    rights to free speech, or you might as well invite Bubba into your 
    living room after the advance party has taken your much touted 
    hardware and your clips of hollow points "for public safety."  and 
    what do you say to the most corrupt and despicable President in our 
    history?  "Fuck the herd?!"  

        You and Bubba can hold hands, dancing around the room, jumping 
    up at down, screaming "Fuck the herd!" "Fuck the herd!"  

        welcome to the world of bubba and hillary.

        these statements do nothing but confirm you are riding a 
    self-styled ego trip to be above the "herd" and flaunt your rights 
    to a lethal weapon. 

        I didn't fight in foreign wars for this crap from an 'American.'

        take a little yellow pill. a mother's little helper. then check 
    in again for a little help; you've lost it.

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