Why Digital Video Disks are late to market

Steve Schear azur at netcom.com
Wed Feb 19 06:28:24 PST 1997

Has anyone seen discussions on how these protection mechanisms can be

>To summarize, the Digital Video Disk standard contains an encryption
>standard for copyright and anti-piracy protection. however, "some U.S.
>PC and silicon vendors have just about abandoned hope of keeping to
>their revised launch schedules for DVD-enabled systems."
>A solution may be in the offing within days. Some sources said late last
>week that Matsushita [who owns license rights] and key U.S. computer
>companies may resolve the software-licensing issues by the end of this
>week. The PC industry seeks amendments to the licensing-agreement language
>that would result in equivalent treatment of software- and hardware-based
>CSS decryption.
>... there apparently has been some speculation among the U.S. PC community
>that Matsushita may be stonewalling on the software-licensing issue so that
>it can establish its hardware-based decryption solution in the marketplace.


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