Recommendation: Creation of "alt.cypherpunks"

ichudov at ichudov at
Fri Feb 14 08:58:53 PST 1997

paul at wrote:
> > > It is too late to stop alt.cypherpunks, but if I had to make a
> > > prediction again, I would predict that soon posters will BEG to help
> > > them create comp.*.cypherpunks, because of spam and alt.flamage.
> > 
> > Timmy has a valid point: the reason why a comp.* newsgroup might have less
> > cross-posted and "off-topic" crap is because net.cops would be more
> > likely to complain to posters' sysadmins. Having a charter state that
> > cypherpunks have technical means to ignore traffic they don't like,
> > and don't need anyone forging cancels or complaining to sysadmins
> > or otherwise getting silenced, is a good idea.
> I don`t believe for one moment that, however well intentioned such a 
> move would be, it would work. The most notorious net.cops who 
> thoroughly deserve the (spit) after their name would take little 
> notice of such a charter and take it upon themselved to "act in the 
> best interests of the usenet community"

That is not necessarily true.

I asked Chris Lewis to not cancel any articles in
soc.culture.russian.moderated (of which I am one of moderators) and it
did not cause any problem. I was very pleased by his reaction.

	- Igor.

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