Dale disses gays.

ichudov at algebra.com ichudov at algebra.com
Thu Feb 13 22:11:26 PST 1997

Dale Thorn wrote:
> Huge Cajones Remailer wrote:
> > :and I've had plenty of White friends, and an equal percentage of :Black friends given the number of Black people I've known, but I've :never had a friend who was gay or lesbian, as far as I know, and I :think I could tell.
> > How, Dale, by the smell?
> I worked for a gay man in Beverly Hills and Encino for 3 years.  I
> learned a lot about "signals" during that time.  Bigot?  I don't
> think so.  One of my favorite customers, a nice lady who is Jewish
> (and who grew up where I did) told me she could spot 'em every time.

This is a typical case of overconfidence on her part.

If she thought about it for longer, she would realize that she cannot
benchmark her gay-spotting performance very well.

If you presented her with, say, 100 unknown men and 50 of them were gays
and she'd identify everyone correctly, I would be impressed.

A truly great and simple book that talks about this stuff is ``Decision
Traps: the ten barriers to brilliant decision making''.

> BTW, my browser has a problem with your lines that have no c/r after
> every 70 or so characters. Other people will undoubtedly confirm that.

Yes, we will.

	- Igor.

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