Private property & the cypherpunks list(s)

Igor Chudov @ home ichudov at
Thu Feb 13 20:07:50 PST 1997

Firebeard wrote:
> >>>>> Igor Chudov @ home writes:
> IC> This is where the distributed nature of the list comes in.  if
> IC> someone disagrees with Jim's AUP, he or she can use soem other
> IC> mailing list host.
> 	And once I'm up and running, my cypherpunks list server will
> not be interconnected with any server which has a similar AUP.  The
> implication of the AUP is that if you _don't_ comply with it, you will
> be blocked.  Without such an implication, the AUP is meaningless, and
> I'm dedicated that there should be no filtering/blocking of any kind,
> of the list.  Persons behaving 'unacceptably' should be handled by
> social pressures by others in the 'community' of the list, and not by
> policies of the list operators.

Which is, again, a perfectly fine idea.

I would probably disconnect from any server that 

a) does not let certain messages go through (unless they are fighting a DOS
attack) and
b) Alters content of any messages.

	- Igor.

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