Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Tue Feb 11 08:58:24 PST 1997

Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> You have probably just read John's post.  I truly hope YOU (each
> and every one of you) can rise to his challenge.  If you have
> offered nothing in the past but criticism, it's now time to get a
> bit more real.  What will it be, your money, time, equipment?

What challenge?  An offer to break code for money?  Not likely,
is it?

> I would hope that the loudest advocates of "free speech" turn out
> to be the most generous, but I'm not holding my breath.  Maybe
> the solution(s) will come from you lurkers.  I hope you can put
> down your beer long enough to get involved.

Generous with what?  Get involved with crypto?  That's why they're
here in the first place, yes?

> Finally, if anyone wants to discuss why the Cypherpunk list has
> come to this, or what I did right or wrong as a moderator, let's
> talk about--on the new list(s) YOU create.  For now, though, it's
> off-topic.  We have work to do.

I think they already talked about it, and the decision is in.  What
does "off-topic" mean? Does it mean further criticism will be censored?

> P.S. To all those people who privately supported me in my attempt
>      to help the list deal with its problems, thank you.

Help the list?  You almost destroyed the list.  If you wanted to
help, you should have provided lessons on filtering.

> I wouldn't have come back without your and John's encouragement.

A lot of people wish you hadn't come back.

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